06 Jul The World’s Most Fashionable Cities
Think you live in the most stylish city in the world? If you’re a Parisian, you’d be right!
That is, according to the just released Anholt-GfK Roper City Brands Index report that ran on Forbes.com.
The report is the result of surveying 10,000 people from 20 countries and asking them to rank 50 different cities based on their stylishness (factors include multiculturalism, nightlife and general buzziness).
Of the esteemed Top Ten, the “fashion capitals” rounded out the coveted 1-4 spots: Milan, New York, and London — in that order — following Paris. Not a huge surprise. But the rest of the list was what we were really interested in.
Rome ranked #5, Los Angeles #6, Tokyo #7, Madrid #8, San Francisco #9, and Barcelona held up the rear.
With West Coast designers pumping fresh new blood into the American fashion scene (not to mention Silicon Valley’s contribution of the iPhone to the world!), we’re happy to see that La La Land and SanFran make the cut.
But what do you think? Did the respondents get it right? What’s your take on the Top Ten Stylish Cities?
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The Breakdown According to Forbes.com
personally I think New York City should have been #2, but oh well.
- No. 10: Barcelona
- No. 9: San Francisco
- No. 8: Madrid
- No. 7: Tokyo
- No. 6: Los Angeles
- No. 5: Rome
- No. 4: London
- No. 3: New York
- No. 2: Milan
- No. 1: Paris
Source: Stylelist.com