30 Dec Style Off: Beyonce VS Rihanna part 2
In 2008, I wrote a post featuring a in house style off between 2 huge popstars of the moment, Rihanna and Beyonce. Since then, alot has changed , one thing we didn’t see coming back then was a little less known star named Lady Gaga. Although this new style off has nothing to do with Ms. Gaga, there is no doubt that Lady Gaga’s explosive fashion sense and style has completely changed the game of popstar style.
Rihanna won the last style off, will she retain her crown? Keep reading!
The way I view these two starlets 2 years after the first style off is pretty much the same but with some new twists. Rihanna was the winner last time around because she simply took more chances with her hair, makeup and style. There is a huge difference between being a bold risk taker in style like Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Madonna etc, and trying to look like some kind of ghetto space alien, Lady Gaga wanna be ( if you don’t know who I am referring to, her name is Nicki Minaj, who I think is a complete clown and has ZERO actual style.)
Beyonce has really impressed me with the great effort she has FINALLY starting making in the past two years in regards to taking more chances with her style. I wasn’t buying the whole “I am Sasha Fierce” since it just has a made up, manufactured feel to this “other personality” Beyonce was supposed to have. I also wasn’t to happy to see Thierry Mugler recreating his fashion designs for Beyonce since I felt they were perfect the way they were. But I guess everyone needs to pay their bills. With all my complaining, I think Beyonce completely rocked her new edgy style (although I felt it was manufactured) and her Sasha Fierce Album was by far my most favorite of her’s so far.
1. Brunette vs Red Head ?
Beyonce’s classic natual colors vs Rihanna Fiery Red Hair & Lipstick. Which do you prefer? I think Beyonce wins this one. The red is cute and different which I like, but there is only so much you can do with that extreme color.
2. Rihanna’s GQ Cover vs Beyonce’s GQ Cover
Wow, this one is not easy, it’s amazing how well these two superstars photograph. I must say that in general Beyonce photographs better than Rihanna, but Rihanna holds her own just fine and between these two covers I say Rihanna is the winner. For me it was the fishnets and corset and the angle of her legs, it just works.
3. Best side glance and profile
Whose side profile looks the most flattering? This one is too tough to call. They both have stunning profiles and side glances. Very hard to choose. Sorry.
4. Which starlet wears blonde best?
Who wears blonde better? Hands down this one goes to Beyonce. Not that Rihanna doesn’t rock blonde, but Beyonce owns blonde, it sometimes even looks natural on her depending on the hue.
5. Who’s Edgy Photo Shoot Looked More Believable?
Both Beyonce and Rihanna’s edgy photo shoots look so very eye catching and you can tell great detail went into each shot. But for me Rihanna pulls this one off better because although she is no Gaga, she is more edgy than Beyonce, I just don’t believe the hardcore thing with Beyonce. She is so beautiful, so sexy, but not edgy. Sorry Bey.
6. Whose Sexy Ad Campaign Photo Looked Best?
Beyonce’s Vargas style House Of Dereon ad vs Rihanna’s dark, gothic style ad images for her Doritos campaign. I am so crazy about the red hair and purple makeup Rihanna is wearing in her photo. She looks bold and in charge, colorful, yet dark all in one. But Beyonce, even in her airbrushed glory looks like a work of art in her ad campaign. Sorry, Rihanna, but this one goes to Beyonce.
7. Sequenced Mini Retro Dress. Who pulled it off?
Which popstar wore this sequenced retro mini dress best? In my opinion Rihanna is the winner here. Her body type suits this style better and her side swept bangs and short cut compliments this 80’s redux in a big way. Beyonce just looks like a super hot chick in a sequenced dress. Rihanna looks like she is truly WEARING that dress and rocking the style to go with it.
8. Long Hair, Short Bangs. Who Wears It Better?
Rihanna benefits from this look more than Beyonce since her forehead can sometimes look a little big. But that doesn’t mean that Beyonce doesn’t rock long hair and short bangs best because in this case she does. There are very few hairstyles that don’t look great on both of these superstars. I just wish Beyonce would try different cuts and lengths. I am so over the super long lacefronts. She really needs to still work on being creative with her hair. For this look, Beyonce wins!
9. Black & White Show Down
Black and white photos looks so great on both these sex pots, but for some reason I think Rihanna looks more stylish in B&W. You can see her cheekbones and features best in black and white. Beyonce also kills it in a good way in her photos, but in all reality, it just looks like beautiful Beyonce in black and white. Rihanna wins this one.
10. Red Carpet Stunners
Red Carpet glamour is where these two stars really shine. I’ve always said that Rihanna has a body that is more model like , up and down, and lean, where as Beyonce’s figure is curvy, shapely and more womanly. I think Beyonce was born to walk the red carpet. This is where Beyonce is at her best.
11. High Fashion Posing Style Off
High fashion anyone? I really hate having to make a decison between these two incredible look pics. It’s rare to Rihanna looking so mature and sophisticated lately, but Beyonce makes high fashion look easy in this ad photo. I enjoy the way Rihanna’s legs look in her photo, but when it comes to who looks more high fashion in these photos, the clear winner is Beyonce.
12. Who Wears Red Hair Color Best? Rihanna or Beyonce?
The only time in recent memory I can recall Beyonce having red hair was in the movie Obession. I didn’t like the way it looked, but when you compare the two starlets side by side, I think Beyonce wins this round. I like Rihanna’s red hair, but there is something about the way the fiery red hair looks on Rihanna with certain styles that is reminiscent of Raggedy Ann or cheap doll’s hair . Beyonce easily wins this round.
13. Who strikes a sexier pose? Beyonce or Rihanna?
I keep saying how hard it is for me to choose sometimes and that is because it really is. Beyonce blows me away in this ad. It’s hard to even recognize that it’s her. But Rihanns looks like she is ready to burn a hole in the wall wit the heat from this super sexy photo. These mouth watering pics are both very impressive considering that neither are professional models. Unfortunately I have to give this one to Rihanna, she looks so amazing in black and white and her whole look is stylish and VERY sexy.
This time around I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Beyonce wins this style off. I have been very impressed with how far she has come with her style, and even though her lack of creativity with different hair lengths and styles still bothers me, I think based on these photo comparisons Beyonce deserves to win this time. Please feel free to comment!Very hard to choose. Sorry.